Building an AI chatbot (part 1)

I am currently working on a personal assistant AI chatbot.


  • Node.js (backend request hander)
  • Python Flask (backend ai layer - TensorFlow, Keras, NLTK)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Hosted on Heroku
For the chatbot, I will be using a retrieval based system.   I will have a database of possible responses.  A neural network will be trained to output the right response.  The inputs into the neural network will be the conversation context, user context, and the user response, the output will be the chat bot response.  

Conversation context: history of the conversation
User context: information about the user
User response: most recent response from the user

Here's a rough outline of the steps that need to be taken in order to build this AI.

Step 1: 
Set up a server on Heroku.  

Step 2:
Setup up page on Facebook and tie into webhook

Step 3:
Set up PostgreSQL database, and populate with possible responses

Step 4:
Train model to predict responses. (either use a retrieval based model or generative model like an LSTM)

Step 5:
Set up

Step 6:

Step 7:

alt text
a cool diagram outlining how this could work


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