building a chess ai - part 4: learning an evaluation function using deep learning (keras)
Note: this post is still in progress. Below I will discuss approaches for training a deep learning chess game and the results of my implementation. Approach 1: Train against the outcome of the game *y* is the outcome of the game (1 is win for white, 0 is loss for white, .5 is draw) We want to learn a function * f(p)* that can approximate this. *p* is the chess position (8x8 chess board), actually is an 8x8x12 = 768 dimensional vector (since there are 12 pieces) 8x8x6 = 384 dimensional vector with positive values for squares with a white piece and negative values for squares with a black piece. (Using 64 x 12 introduces too many degrees of freedom) The goal is to try to learn a function * f(p)* that can predict the winner of the game * y* given a chess position * p* . The model: Dataset: millions of high quality games played by grand masters or international masters Objective/Loss Function...